Termite Facts

After a termite colony reaches a certain population level, usually more than 10,000 subterranean winged, reproductive termites, “SWARMERS” are produced and leave the colony in a “swarm.” A swarm is a mixed group of roughly 50% male and 50% reproductive females which...

Keep It Down!

I just want a little bit of peace and quiet. Have you ever uttered those words? Maybe you feel like your home is the place where you can find that peace and quiet, but for some homeowners, their home is not the quiet place they would like it to be. Maybe they are...

Termites – What You Can Do

You can do several things as a home owner to help prevent termite infestations including: Change your outdoor lights from “white” bulbs to some yellow or pale amber, especially during the Spring, to reduce attraction of any night -swarming termites near your house....

Did You Just Have a Remodel?

Did you just remodel your bathroom? It may look just as you pictured it would, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe for you to enjoy. Hire a certified home inspector for a post-remodeling inspection ASAP. A qualified inspector will make sure your new features and...